Monday 30 May 2011

Counting My Blessings

Not so long ago I had a lovely day with my family. Ten of us went to the beach and played at chasing waves. Then we had a barbecue and played in an outdoor hot tub. Alright the weather was a little grey and breezy but other than that it was perfect. With my family around me and a new job on the horizon I counted my blessings. A little later on my 6 year old got a terrible stomach ache so I stroked his head and rocked him until he fell asleep. Last time he got a stomach ache it got so bad we had to take a trip to hospital so I was a tiny bit worried and hoped he would sleep through the night and feel better in the morning. He did.

In stark relief this made me think about families of children who are more seriously ill. Whilst my happiness was created by big joys such as being surrounded by children running around and laughing and my imminent career change, parents of seriously or terminally ill children take their happiness from much smaller triumphs. Many live in a world where a day when their child managed to take a bite of food or woke long enough to smile at them is a very good day. My worry about my six year old's stomach ache ("will he get through the night without waking up?") is such a welcome worry when others look at their sleeping child and think "will they get through the night?"

So as we start off our blogging adventure to celebrate the launch of Hipp-O-Dee-Doo-Dah! lets also take a moment to count our very many blessings and to think of the real reason for this book - to raise money for UK Hospices and in turn to make the lives of the children and families they help a little easier.

Tomorrow we will take a look at the work that UK Children's Hospices do and the difference they make in people's lives then later in the week we will spend some time talking about my own story in Hipp-O-Dee-Doo-Dah! and some other writing topics.

Thanks for reading folks and please do follow our blog to read postings from many other authors over the next few months.



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